Christian Education in a safe and secure environment in Western PA since 1866.

Christian Education in a safe and secure environment in Western PA since 1866.
Providing Affordable Academic Excellence
in a Safe and
Secure Environment

Who We Are
In Western PA since 1866
Pre-K to 12th Grade at 10 Locations
Since the inception of our first school in 1866, the Pittsburgh Area Lutheran Schools (PALS) have upheld a long-standing tradition of nurturing children in the Western Pennsylvania region. LCMS operates the largest Protestant parochial school system in America. Our affiliation with the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod provides PALS with a connection to over 6,000 congregations and networks PALS with over 1,200 schools nationwide and worldwide.
Tuition is affordable because of the support of sponsoring congregations. Financial assistance and scholarships are also available to families in need who wish to provide a Christian education for their child.
Please feel welcome to visit a Pittsburgh Area Lutheran School in your area. The caring, dedicated faculty and staff of a PALS school are waiting to talk to you and your family about a quality Christian education.
Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC/PKTC)
Good news for Pennsylvania corporations and the Pittsburgh Area Lutheran Schools! Businesses in the Commonwealth of PA that are subject to corporate net income tax, capital stock franchise tax, bank and trust company shares tax, title insurance companies shares tax, insurance premiums tax, or mutual thrift institutions tax may receive a significant tax credit by making a contribution to the Pittsburgh Area Lutheran Schools Scholarship Program. PALS is registered with EITC and PKTC, including act 4 and act 48. For more information, contact Gail Holzer at (412) 793-5884.
PALS Education Fund
Providing resources to strengthen and support the mission of Pittsburgh Area Lutheran Schools in order to:
* Promote our schools in Western PA by advertising in print and
* Tuition assistance to qualified families at all of our school locations
* Provide quality educational programs and in-service training
* Expand existing school sites and funding new school endeavors

Giving the perfect gift is easy!
Please make checks payable to: Pittsburgh Area Lutheran Schools Education Fund
Mail to:
Pittsburgh Area Lutheran Schools
1261 Pennsylvania Avenue
Oakmont, Pennsylvania 15139
Yes! I want to be a partner of PALS by:
* Praying for the children and staff of our schools.
* Volunteering my time and talents for the ongoing work of PALS.
Please contact me.
* Enclosing a monetary gift for the ongoing work of PALS.
Please make sure to include your name, address, and phone number!
Thank you!
Nondiscrimination Policy
PALS admits students of any race, color, or national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions, scholarships, loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.